Join the Positive Pants Club!
...for a weekly dose of positivity, underwear updates and sustainability tips.
You’ll be the first to know about exciting new products, as well as Positive Pant perks.
"Just got your recent newsletter. I simply love these small interruptions dropping purpose and growth into my mind."
Peter S, Germany.

What to expect?
✔ A weekly newsletter full of great ideas, tips and news on everything from fashion to fabric care.
✔ Updates on our business, with sneak previews, early access and behind-the scenes details from Sarah & the team.
✘ Never any spam, unsubscribe in one easy click!
Our Positive Pants Community ... & planting trees
At the heart of Y.O.U is our Positive Pants Community, our wonderful friends, family and supporters who are a key part of our mission to show that business, and fashion, can be a force for good.
Now more than ever we need to strengthen our ties and work together to make the world a better, kinder, safer ... and greener ... place.
You can get more involved in our Positive Pants Community in a number of ways, from following us on socials, leaving a review, being on our new product panel, or even modelling in a photoshoot!
We're hoping to develop and grow our community even more over the coming months and we'd love to hear about what you would like from that. Please do get in touch on hello@youunderwear.com at any point and we really appreciate your feedback and support.
And finally trees!
Whilst planting trees is not going to save us, we feel that it's the least we can do to as recognition for everyone who signs up to our email newsletter! For every sign up, we plant a tree with Ecologi, who work with Eden Reforestation to plant trees ethically and sustainably, as well as having transparent data backing up their claims.
Thank you again for your support!
Sarah and the Y.O.U Team x